What is the significance of "Palm Sunday"? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferMarch 25, 2024Easter, Palm Sunday, Jesus Death, JesusComment
Why Jesus had to go to Hades? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferMarch 16, 2024Hades, Jesus Death, Crucifixion, Cross, Easter, Death, Sacrifice, SalvationComment
What is the purpose and history of Hades? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferMarch 16, 2024Hades, Hell, Crucifixion, EasterComment
What is the Bible talking about when it describes believers earning "rewards" in heaven? Benjamin ShaferMay 16, 2023Rewards, Heavenly Rewards, Faith, Heaven, God's WillComment
Are "generational curses" real? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferFebruary 9, 2023Generational Curses, SinComment
How can I better understand what happened to Pharaoh and Judas? It seems like their decisions were made for them. Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferJanuary 28, 2023sovereignty, God's Character, predestinationComment
Is “Joy to the World” a Christmas song? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferDecember 11, 2022Christmas, Kingdom, Messiah, SongsComment
Can you explain the Trinity? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferDecember 11, 2022Trinity, Triune God, God's Character, LoveComment
What are the “Nephilim” that is mentioned in Genesis? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferDecember 9, 2022History, Old Testament, Demons, SatanComment
Do people still need the Old Testament Law? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferMay 5, 2021Slavation, Jesus, Ten Commandments, Moses, Law of Moses, Law of Liberty, New Covenant, Legalism, Old Testament, Mosaic Law, christianityComment
Are Christians still "under" the law of Moses? (Ten Commandments) Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferMay 5, 2021Slavation, Jesus, Ten Commandments, Moses, Law of Moses, Law of Liberty, New Covenant, LegalismComment
How can we already have been seated at his right hand? What does Ephesians 2:5-6 mean? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferApril 12, 2021Slavation, Healing, Worship, Heaven, Throne, Jesus, Ephesians, Ephesians 2Comment
What resources does Ben use for his personal study of scripture? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferMarch 11, 2021Study Resources, Bible, Commentary, SourcesComment
In the Bible, what does "the last hour" mean or refer to? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferFebruary 22, 2021Eschatology, End Times Comment
How do you know if someone is a true “believer”? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferFebruary 14, 2021disernment, christianity, believer, leadership, churchComment
How does the Church avoid “false prophets”? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferFebruary 14, 2021false prophet, church, false teacher, leadershipComment
Has anyone really seen God and lived? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferFebruary 7, 2021Presence of God, Presence, Holy of Holies, Dwelling, Worship, Exodus, Moses, IsraelComment
I'm struggling understanding my purpose and calling as a single. I can only find a few Scriptures in 1 Corinthians 7 on this. Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferJanuary 30, 2021Calling, Marriage, Purpose, Singleness, RelationshipsComment
The 12 tribes of Israel are descendants of Jacob’s 12 sons. What is theological significance to certain sons being born through the wive’s maidservants? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferJanuary 23, 2021Jews, Israel, End Times, Old Testament, JacobComment
What is really going on in the story of Jacob and Esau, and selling a birthright for a bowl of soup? Bible QuestionsBenjamin ShaferJanuary 23, 2021Faith, Inheritance, Promise Land, Heaven, Old Testament, Israel, Jews, BirthrightsComment