Do people still need the Old Testament Law?


I’m confused, you said in one of your teachings that we are not bound to follow the Mosaic Law. As a Christian, are we to follow the instructions of the Law or not? 


While the Christian is not bound by the Law of Moses, this does not mean that the Law and related Scripture are meaningless for a Christian. As Paul said:

2Tim. 3:16  All Scripture is  inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for  training in righteousness;

Christians are commanded to read and learn from all Scripture, but learning from the Law of Moses is not the same thing as being bound to keep the Law of Moses. For example, the Christian is not bound to pay tithes as prescribed by the Law, but by studying the Law concerning tithing we come to learn important truths concerning giving to the work of God, (e.g., that the Lord provides for His priests and ministers through the giving of those who receive the service of those ministers).

Studying the lessons of the Law found in the Old Testament reinforces New Testament principles and gives context for God's expectations.  For example, in the New Testament we learn that a pastor or teacher is worthy of double honor and should receive support from those they shepherd, as Paul taught:

1Tim. 5:17  The elders who  rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who  work hard  at preaching and teaching.
1Tim. 5:18 For the Scripture says, “ YOU SHALL NOT MUZZLE THE OX WHILE HE IS THRESHING,” and “ The laborer is worthy of his wages.

The context for why this principle is true can be found in the Old Testament law where God explained His desire that His ministers receive support from those they serve. So the study of God's Law in the Old Testament is valuable and instructive and necessary, but we are not expected to follow it as one bound by it.  As Paul himself says:

Rom. 6:14 For  sin shall not  be master over you, for  you are not under law but  under grace